Cal Day 2014 — Passports to Science

Get your passport to science stamped at all these locations!


CITRIS Tech Museum
9am-3pm: 345 Sutardja Dai Hall, The Tech Museum

Curiosities of the Natural World & Ocean Oddities with Live Kelp Forest Organisms
9am-4pm: Valley Life Sciences Building courtyard

Essig Museum of Entomology, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University & Jepson Herbaria, and Museum of Paleontology
9am-4pm: Valley Life Sciences Building (1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors)

Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology
9am-4pm: Marketplace Table

Science Bonanza: Butterfly Survival Strategies, Community Resources for Science, and more!
9am-4pm: South Lawn of the Valley Life Sciences Building

Xtreme BUGS Invade the Hall
9am-5pm: Lawrence Hall of Science (take Hill Shuttle from Evans Hall east entrance)

UC Botanical Garden: Plants of the World and Garden Animals
9am-5pm: UC Botanical Gardens (take Hill Shuttle from Evans Hall east entrance)

Xtreme BUGS Invade the Hall
9am-5pm: Lawrence Hall of Science (take Hill Shuttle from Evans Hall east entrance)

LeAD Lights
10am-11am: E3S Center, 254 Sutardja Dai Hall

Robot Learning Lab: A Robot that Folds Laundrey, High-Fives, and Hugs!
10am-1pm: Kvamme Atrium, 3rd Floor, Sutardja Dai Hall

Hands-on Ocean Science Fun!
10am-2pm: McCone Hall

Make Your Own Pot
10am-2pm: Archaeological Research Facility, 2551 College Ave

Hands-on Physics
10am-3pm: 1, 235, 245, & 248 Le Conte Hall

10am-3pm: 220 McCone Hall

Solar Viewing and Sundials (weather permitting)
10am-3:30pm: Hearst Field Annex, and grassy area north of Sproul Hall

Life in an Egyptian Pyramid Town
11am-11:30am: 254 Barrows Hall

Adventures in Space Science
11am-5pm: Space Sciences Laboratory (take Hill Shuttle from Evans Hall East Entrance)

“HELP!! Oski has been kidnapped – help us find him!” College of Chemistry
12pm-2pm: Latimer Hall lobby

Up Close and Personal With Plants
12pm-2pm: Genetics & Plant Biology Building Lawn

Materials Science & Engineering Showcase
12pm-4pm: Hearst Memorial Mining Building Lobby

Science@Cal, “Science in Disguise”
1pm-2pm: 2040 Valley Life Sciences Building

Check out all the events here!